How to Prepare for EDGAR Next
Includes a Live Web Event on 03/18/2025 at 1:30 PM (EDT)
- Non-member - $299
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The SEC’s EDGAR Next platform will significantly change how you access EDGAR to submit filings for Section 16 insiders. Get ready for the rollout of multifactor authorizations and authorized account administrators and users. Go beyond the technical requirements to understand the practical considerations essential for a smooth transition to the new platform for you and your company’s insiders.
Key questions this webinar will answer:
- What will EDGAR Next change (and what won’t be changing)?
- What conversations do you need to have with your insiders? Will they need accounts?
- What are the various roles that can be assigned to filer accounts and who should each role be assigned to?
- How should you approach collaborating with the other companies that your insiders file Section 16 reports for? What is an API? Will you need a technical administrator?
All attendees are required to register in advance.
- NASPP Members: Current NASPP members can attend at no cost.
- Nonmembers: The cost for non-members is $599.
Join or renew your membership to receive complimentary access to this program and all member benefits.

Barbara Baksa
Executive Director

Jim Brashears
Managing Principal Counsel, Securities & Corporate, Vice President and Assistant Corporate Secretary

Linda Epstein
Legal Project Manager

03/18/2025 at 1:30 PM (EDT) | 75 minutes | Attendance Required
03/18/2025 at 1:30 PM (EDT) | 75 minutes | Attendance Required
The SEC’s EDGAR Next platform will significantly change how you access EDGAR to submit filings for Section 16 insiders. Get ready for the rollout of multifactor authorizations and authorized account administrators and users. Go beyond the technical requirements to understand the practical considerations essential for a smooth transition to the new platform for you and your company’s insiders.