Learning Center

Stock Plan Fundamentals

Stock Plan Fundamentals

Build a Foundation for Equity Compensation Success

Develop core stock plan administration competencies and fuel your professional growth. From taxation and the latest securities law considerations to best practices for various award types and Section 16 reporting requirements, build the foundation you need to be successful in equity compensation.

Ideal Development Opportunity For

  • Those new to equity compensation
  • Experienced professionals wanting to refresh and strengthen their skills 
  • Those preparing for the CEP Level 1 exam
  • Those wanting to learn about equity compensation at public companies (Looking to learn about equity compensation at private companies? Click here)

Learning Objectives

Key questions this course will answer:

  • What are the features and characteristics of the most common types of equity arrangements offered by public companies?
  • What practices are necessary to ensure that equity plans comply with U.S. securities laws?
  • How much taxable income do participants recognize for the equity arrangements typically offered by public companies and what are the employer’s withholding and reporting obligations with respect to that income?
  • How do companies determine and record the effect of equity arrangements on their profitability?
  • What policies and procedures are necessary to manage equity programs?
  • How does compliance for equity programs offered globally differ from U.S. compliance? What additional laws apply to equity programs outside the United States?

Course Features

  • Six expert-led modules
  • On-demand to fit your schedule 
  • Supplemental materials to further dive into topics 
  • Quizzes to test your skills and apply your knowledge 
  • Certificate awarded upon completion

Enrollment Fee

  • Members:  $900
  • Non-Members:  $1,800

PLEASE NOTE: Non-members will need to create an NASPP.com account to register. Click the "Log In" button in the upper right corner and follow the on-screen instructions to establish your account.

All registrations are non-refundable.
